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  • Writer's pictureSarah Alweiss

Living an Intuitively Led Life: Step 1

Updated: Jul 5

Sound like a mouthful? or like an over-promise? I can empathize with that. If any part of you feels drawn to deepening your relationship with your intuition, read on and see how you feel. You get to choose which parts of this message resonate with your soul, and which parts don't.

Where do I feel my intuition?

Often, intuition can be associated with the gut. This means, that you may feel somatic sensations in your stomach region when your intuition is speaking to you. The tricky part? That's also where many of us experience the anxiety sensation.

Each relationship with intuition is different, so you may notice other parts of your body become activated when an intuitive download arrives. Recognizing patterns and checking in with yourself can help you build trust with your body.

The difference between anxiety and intuition

This is a complex relationship that we all have to navigate. Each experience provides nuance and an opportunity to get to know both intuition and anxiety better. Here are some questions you can turn to when you notice a gut sensation that you'd like more clarity around:

  1. What does the sensation feel like? Would I categorize it as a knot? Am I flexing? Is it painful?

  2. Am I clenching? If I am clenching, does it feel safe to release the tension?

  3. What kind of thoughts is the physical sensation creating or contributing to? Is my inner voice quiet or loud? Is there a sense of urgency?

After reflecting on these questions, you may have a clearer idea of how the sensation functions. Now that you have some data points, let's dive deeper into the differences between anxiety and intuition.


Anxiety is a protective mechanism activated by our survival instincts to protect us from real or perceived danger. In the modern world, it's not uncommon for anxiety to be triggered, even if there isn't an actual threat present. Anxiety serves a real purpose and can be celebrated for its ability to keep us safe. However, sometimes it can cloud our ability to think clearly and make authentic decisions.

Typically, the inner voice that accompanies anxiety can be loud and embody a sense of urgency—meaning it wants us to take action NOW so we can create safety and ensure survival. Decisions rooted in anxiety are not always reflective of what is in our highest and best interest. That's where understanding intuition can be life-changing.


On the other hand, intuition is defined as a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feelings rather than conscious reasoning. This means that making intuitive decisions requires a certain level of self-trust because it's harder to prove with tangible evidence—but that doesn't mean it isn't trustworthy.

Sometimes, the inner voice that accompanies intuition can be much more quiet, or even a whisper. It may be described as an inner nudge. It may ask questions like, "Do you have space to consider this idea or possibility?" Rather than asking you to take immediate action, it may encourage space and reflection so that you can come to an insight over time, instead of with immediacy.

What do I do with this information about anxiety and intuition?

For now, focus on reflecting and dropping in when you experience a gut sensation. Get curious, stay open-minded, and be kind to yourself. Making intuitively led decisions may prompt you to change your mind more frequently or question decision-making habits you've embodied previously. Please know that it's okay to change your mind.

Trusting your intuition, experimenting, giving yourself room to be swirly, and trusting that the universe will align to support whatever decision you make is key. You will not be punished if you make a decision rooted in anxiety or intuition. If you feel more connected to your truth and values when you are connected to your intuition, keep checking in to learn more about living an intuitively led life.

Thank you for letting me hold this space with you. I appreciate your presence.

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